At Advanced Pain Medicine Associates, we want our patients to feel comfortable asking any questions they might have about their treatment plan. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions. If your question isn’t listed here, don’t hesitate to ask your provider next time you’re in the office.

Office FAQs

Acute pain comes on suddenly when caused by something specific such as injury or illness. It is most advantageous to treat pain aggressively during the acute stage in order to avoid it from migrating to a chronic state if possible.
Chronic pain is identified as pain lasting longer than the expected amount of time for healing, typically 3 months or longer. Chronic pain is consistent and ongoing much like any other disease process.

Most procedures at Advanced Pain Medicine Associates have little to no pain associated with them. Some treatment may cause a level of pain or discomfort and in those cases, we will offer a local anesthetic to assist in making the process easier for you. Always feel free to ask your nurse or provider what you can expect from your procedure.

If your pain has not responded to typical medicine or treatment regimens and pain control has become unattainable, it may be time to look into consulting with a pain specialist. Call us to inquire about getting an appointment.

We take great measures to ensure the safety and well-being of our patients when prescribing an opioid regimen. Medications are monitored closely by requiring signed medication contracts, monthly pill counts and random urine drug screens.

Injections are typically quick to perform with the average “table time” being 10-15 minutes to complete. Some insurance policies require prior authorization, which can delay the time frame for getting scheduled. Depending on your particular insurance company, the authorization process can take several days to several weeks before receiving an answer. We encourage all patients to check with their insurance companies to see what their plans may require.

Effective November 1st, 2018, we will no longer keep any radiology discs/imaging in office and any currently in office will be shredded according to HIPAA guidelines.